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So far admin has created 38 blog entries.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year 2023

I hope it’s been a great 2023 for you. It has for me, but in different ways. As I’ve said on multiple occasions, Dad always taught me to work hard. He never taught me to play equally as hard. Retrospectively, there are several thoughts worth sharing.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year 20232023-12-23T09:20:49-06:00

It’s Hard to Steal Second Base

It’s Hard to Steal Second Base… "It's hard do steal second base with your foot on first!” This is a famous quote by Ty Cobb, a major league baseball player from the early 1900s who was known for his base stealing ability, among other things. Notably, he was among the first group of

It’s Hard to Steal Second Base2023-09-18T14:01:43-06:00

Balancing Your Assets

One common theme I'm seeing with my new clients is that nearly 100% of them have balances in their savings, investment, and retirement accounts. The other "elephant in the room" is that they rarely have any kind of plan or strategy for how to use these accounts. Their savings and emergency funds are earning virtually nothing when they could be getting upwards of 3-5% if positioned properly.

Balancing Your Assets2023-09-18T12:59:46-06:00

Talk Me Out of This!

When it comes to cars, I’m very brand loyal to Acura. I think I’ve owned eight over the last 30 years. My most recent one, I found while looking on their website four years ago. What made little sense about this decision was the fact that my current car at the time was in perfectly good condition and completely paid for. What was I thinking?

Talk Me Out of This!2023-08-03T13:45:25-06:00

Wisdom from a Cocktail Napkin?

Years ago, at a woman I was dating had a gathering of friends at her home, which of course included a selection of cocktails. I don’t remember what I drank that evening, but I’ll never forget the stack of cocktail napkins on the table, which said, “If you are what you eat, then I’m QUICK, CHEAP & EASY.”

Wisdom from a Cocktail Napkin?2023-06-22T09:02:21-06:00

Mailbox Money

Wouldn’t you like to be like my songwriter friend and know that each month that your "mailbox" would deliver you a comfortable income you could not outlive? Getting there isn’t rocket science, but many years of knowing how all of the financial products are structured and how they work together in concert has definitely made an impact on the lives of my clients...

Mailbox Money2023-05-09T16:52:40-06:00

Attention Class of 1976

It’s hard to believe that for many in the class of 1976, we will hit the big 65 this year. I'm now entering an entirely new phase of my personal and professional life. And I have already learned that Medicare is the most confusing, convoluted, frustrating, and challenging insurance product I’ve seen in my entire career. I like to think I’m pretty smart when it comes to "all things insurance and investment" - but not anymore! 

Attention Class of 19762023-05-09T16:55:53-06:00

My New Normal

This blog was originally published March 2016. It’s been seven years since we lost Dad and I find myself either referring to him, quoting him, or just thinking of him every day. I’m learning that we all have our stories about death...I hope you enjoy this one.

My New Normal2023-05-09T16:57:30-06:00

Junk Drawers

I hope everyone had a great 2022, and it ended with a very peaceful & memorable holiday season. Over the holidays, I had plenty of down time here at home and in my home office. Regarding the home office, the purchase of a newer, better paper shredder was in order and it was definitely put to use. Years ago, Brian Tracy, an amazing professional speaker who I have seen multiple times, gave me “The Four D Rule.” What are the “Four D’s” you ask? Simple...

Junk Drawers2023-05-09T16:58:54-06:00

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Golf has been a great conduit to meeting some amazing people. You can get to know someone fairly well when you’re walking 18 holes together. It’s a sport that can bring out the best and worst in people, and I always choose to see the best.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year2023-05-09T17:00:42-06:00

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320 Seven Springs Way
Suite 250
Brentwood, TN 37027

Phone: ‭(615) 506-0300‬