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So far admin has created 38 blog entries.

Client Conversations…Q&A

Client Conversations…Q&A Long time, no blog! I hope this finds you well, healthy, and a little more relaxed than this time last year. I really do not have a theme for this post, just some random thoughts that might resonate with each of you. I am now fully vaccinated and have been

Client Conversations…Q&A2023-05-09T17:10:10-06:00

I’m Tired of Seeing 20/20

I’m Tired of Seeing 20/20! I have not blogged much this year, and I am sorry for that. This is one of the strangest years in my lifetime. Every time I open a word document & start writing, I immediately get stuck, for a lot of reasons. There are so many emotions

I’m Tired of Seeing 20/202023-05-09T17:11:42-06:00

Thoughts During the Quarantine

Thoughts During the Quarantine Well, here we are. Quarantined, working from home, or maybe not working, and dealing with something that only Hollywood could have dreamt up. I think I’ve gotten so many emails with QOVID in the subject line, that I just started deleting them. I’ve taken to Facebook to share

Thoughts During the Quarantine2023-05-09T17:09:24-06:00

What Got You Here

What Got You Here Happy 2020, by the way! We’re finally through the holiday season and are anxiously waiting for the time change to happen. This is my least favorite time of the year, but I’m blessed to continue to be busy serving current clients and all of the referred people that

What Got You Here2023-05-09T17:10:52-06:00

Lessons from my Neighbor

Lessons from my Neighbor Happy November…the time change that I so loathe happened the other day & after 2 days of getting dark at 5PM, I’m already over it! 2019 has been a great year for me…am blessed to have lots of new referred clients that have been delightful to work with.

Lessons from my Neighbor2023-05-09T17:12:25-06:00

How Secure Is Your Social Security?

How Secure Is Your Social Security? …and I’m not talking about whether or not you will receive a benefit, nor if the Government will go bankrupt and not pay your benefit. Keep reading as I do have some pretty strong points to make on your personal Social Security planning. In case you

How Secure Is Your Social Security?2023-05-09T17:13:12-06:00

Are You Serious? Can You Fix It?

Are You Serious? Can You Fix It? Happy Summer. I’m enjoying the warm temperature and longer days. It’s easier to get those last 9 holes in when I’m able to play. Growing up in Knoxville, we had the best of the Eastern Time Zone in that it stayed light till after 9:30PM

Are You Serious? Can You Fix It?2025-02-08T16:43:25-06:00

What’s Your End Game?

What's Your End Game? Today is officially the first day of Spring. Hallelujah! Couple of things going on in my head these days…first of all, I wish the weather would make up its mind as to what it’s going to do…so does my yard! Secondly, I’ve been regularly staring at my own

What’s Your End Game?2023-05-09T17:15:05-06:00

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320 Seven Springs Way
Suite 250
Brentwood, TN 37027

Phone: ‭(615) 506-0300‬